I Couldn’t Help But Wonder…How Did She Do It? 3 Messages From SATC You Should Take Seriously

With the announcement of a Sex & The City limited series reboot in the works with HBO Max, I couldn’t help but wonder, how did Carrie do it? The iconic show aired 22 years ago and is still watched and admired by women (and men) of all ages.

Carrie Bradshaw’s fabulous life is one I hope to manifest for myself one day. Carrie had it all; a successful career as a New York City columnist, front row at New York fashion week, a powerful group of girlfriends to surround herself with and endless pairs of Manolo Blahniks. What more could a girl possibly need? Shortly after the show ended, every aspiring Carrie Bradshaw began to wonder how did Carrie do it. For starters, the salary of a columnist in New York City is no where near enough to pay rent and support a lifestyle filled with parties, brunches and manolos. The obvious answer is that the life of Carrie Bradshaw is fictional and meant to be taken with a grain of salt, if you will. Despite the fair share of criticism SATC has received for portraying a false sense of reality when it comes to making it in the city, it still continues to serve as a form of inspiration.

Behind the wild sex, elaborate clothes, extravagant brunches and endless manolos; there’s a lot of worthy messages within the series that should be taken seriously.

The power of women empowering other women.


Female empowerment is more crucial now than ever before. In the last 22 years since SATC has aired we have learned as a society how important it is for women to stand together. Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte were a force to be reckoned with. They all had each other’s backs through thick and thin. The women in SATC lifted each other up consistently. It is so important to surround yourself with positive women in life. It is easy to get sucked into a circle of friends that make you feel bad about yourself rather than empower you to be the best rate version of yourself. If you are in a situation that is toxic, remove yourself. Female friendships are an important aspect to every woman’s life. Your inner circle is important as it is a reflection of you. Surround yourself with a group of women that will push you to be better.

The single life isn’t the worst life to live.


SATC is one of the only shows to glamorize being single at certain points throughout life. Why is it that being single in your 20’s is completely okay but the second you turn 30 you’re expected to be married with children? The women of SATC spent periods of their 30’s and 40’s completely single and that was absolutely okay-as it should be. It is important to spend time alone and be happy with yourself first, before being in a relationship with someone else. SATC emphasized the importance of doing you first. Practice self care, find yourself and enjoy being alone with just you.

Fashion is a form of expression, it is a mix of highs and lows.


SATC showed us the importance of fashion, as it is a form of expression. It is a simple case of look good, feel good. Carrie was one of the first to normalize mixing designer pieces with lower end items. Manolos paired with a $5 tutu- no problem there. As a well respected lawyer and the most polished of the group; Miranda consistently looked put together with statement blazers and power suits. Samantha loved herself and her sense of fashion showed exactly that. Nothing she wore was too revealing for her liking. Charlotte was the definition of a class act. Her attire was always tasteful and elegant. Very much Audrey Hepburn vibes.

The fabulous life of Carrie Bradshaw may be filled with many exaggerations, but one thing is for sure; there’s no harm in manifesting big dreams.


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